London To Brighton Veteran Car Run

Using connected car technology to build services within a single, integrated app for some of the oldest cars in the world


The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run is an annual event that marks the 1896 Light Locomotives on the Highway Act that raised the speed limit for light locomotives from 4 mph to 14 mph. The Act also abolished the requirement for cars to be preceded by a man on foot holding a red flag.

The event is organised by the RAC Foundation on behalf of the Royal Automobile Club, and for 2021, the Foundation wanted to demonstrate the value of connectivity to help improve safety and provide information to help participants navigate the course.

Thinking about the future, they also wanted to show that vehicles over one hundred years old could connect with other vehicles and the roads infrastructure, allowing them to use the roads in the automated years to come.

London To Brighton Sat Nav


Working within a small team, supported by the Foundation and the Transport Technology Forum, Eloy developed a feature within our iOS app that provided a fixed-route SatNav aligned to the official route accompanied with turn-by-turn voice navigation. This meant overriding the usual ‘fastest’ route to ensure that vehicles were not directed on to the M23 for example.

Around the route we added a geofence, so if drivers diverted away from it, they would be alerted with a message on their mobile phone, both visually and audibly, advising them to turn back round or if not safe to do so, wait for help.

We also included various other messages such as information about roadworks and congestion, where to stop for fuel, and temporary signs such as alerting participants to use bus lanes where appropriate.


Ability to communicate real-time information to and from vehicles

Fixed-route navigation to ensure vehicles stay on course

Warning messages triggered if drivers divert from the route

Additional in-vehicle messages about road conditions

Tracking data to help course managers analyse and plan events


App In A Veteran Car


“It was great to be part of the RAC London – Brighton Run and thank you for allowing us to use your new system for tracking routes and positions.

“Brilliant innovation for veteran car users.”

Graeme Hunt - Veteran Car Run participant

Want to work with us?

If you want to find out how Eloy can help you bring your connected vehicle services to life, send us a message with a few details about your project and we’ll get right back to you.